I must admit it, I’m secretly a romantic at heart. Call it corny or predictable but I do love the happy endings in movies and books and definitely in real life. Of course I know that life does not always end up with a happily ever after but one can still hope. It’s almost Valentine’s Day and I am one the side of always showing your loved ones that they are loved everyday but I’ll gladly take flowers, chocolate and even a piece of jewelry. It’s’ true that sometimes people just need a little nudge or a reminder to be sure to show that special someone that they are special. One day a year is definitely not enough so be sure that you don’t get so busy and caught up in life that you forget to make that extra effort to show those that you love how much they mean to you. It will make the other 364 days a lot better.
But for the one day that is Valentine’s Day, there are so many options if you’re sharing it with someone special.
There is always the traditional route
- Dinner
- Flowers
- Candy
and don’t forget the card (trust me on this one)
It’s also the perfect time to get creative and come up with something unique.
A getaway
A visit to a spa together
Love is not always about romance and Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to tell anyone in your life how much they mean to you. Celebrate your family and friends on this very day.
It always feels good to feel loved so love on everyday. No holiday needed. But it’s always fun when there is a holiday.