It’s another new year and I flip the calendar I’m always grateful to have another chance to make a fresh start. I’m able to make new goals, look at what I accomplished last year, what I still want to accomplish this year. I’m a list maker so that means I always have a lot on the list. My lists are constantly growing but that’s just a part of me. Always looking ahead to what is next.
I’m ready to fill up my Los Angeles studio with portrait clients. I’m also looking to add some work in Michigan as I continue to spend time with my mom. I’m looking to focus on helping more women feel beautiful and confidently embracing and sharing that beauty. I truly believe that everyone is beautiful and love working with people to bring out that beauty and help them to see it, feel it and share it with others.
I’m planning to add in personal branding for all of the creative, smart, women out there focusing on growing their own brand and even their businesses. As someone who is much more comfortable behind the camera as compared to being in front of the camera, I know how challenging it can be at times to get out there and tell your story. Helping others do that is going to be a big focus for 2018.
I’ve got quite a few personal projects on deck. Some I’ve been dabbling with and some are brand new. Personal projects are self-care and they can be oh so much fun, opportunities to let my creativity flow, build relationships with amazing creative souls and create the art that I love so much just for me. Of course I still love sharing them with others, but it’s such a release to work with others and just create to create, no pressure no stress just having a good time thinking about and working on your craft.
That’s a peek at some of what I’m working on. Can’t wait for you to see how it goes.