In just a few days, pink will be everywhere. There will be ribbons and shades of pink popping up to help raise awareness for Breast Cancer.
In the US 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer, that’s some diagnosed every 2 minutes. Worldwide a woman is diagnosed every minute.
Cancer’s widespread reach touches almost everyone in some way or another. Although I’ve been affected in many ways on that has hit closest to home is when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer over 25 years ago. While that story had a happy ending for us she’s not quite done with her cancer battles but that is a different story. Even 25 years ago early detection and treatment increased chances for survival and today that is even truer with the advancements in treatment that have made over the years. Every time I look at our family photos, or portraits of my mom, I am thankful for the blessing of her presence. We take nothing for granted.
Things to keep in mind regarding Breast Cancer Awareness
Self Exams can help you identify changes in your breasts. Make sure you are doing your exams regularly and have any changes or any other concerns checked out.
Here are The Five Steps of a Breast Self-Exam from
The Five Steps of a Brest Self-Exam
Screenings are important, today there are more screening options available and while most are familiar with the mammogram, your doctor may recommend additional screening. Please be sure to have a conversation with your doctor to determine what is best for you. Encourage every woman you know to get regular exams and review screening options with her doctor.
Remember early detection is a key factor in treating this disease. So be sure to take control.
We’re giving back with a special promotion to help raise funds for cancer awareness, but we’ve also made giving to make a difference a permanent part of our business. Every little bit counts and we’re fighting hard to find a cure.
-Take care of yourself and those you love.