We’re just a couple of weeks into the new year and have you gotten off track of your goals already? We’ve all been there it’s a New Year after all so we sit down and we make our list, resolutions, goals whatever you call them. Sometimes the list is long and many times it’s very aggressive, we want to conquer the world in 365 days. If you’re anything like me you set a lot of big goals for yourself. I’d simply like to conquer the world all in 365 days easy peasy right? Personal goals, business goals, health and fitness goals, financial goals, I’ve got a lot to do and I’m sure you do too.
I looked around at how’s it going so far? Maybe you can relate to this, I’m off to a slow start and that just might be an understatement for all that conquering. I’ll admit it; some things on my list haven’t even been started yet. Not two weeks in and I’m failing already. In the past this might be discouraging for me, this is the exact reason many have sworn off resolutions. I’ve thought about it but I am a list maker by nature and I do actually want to do the things on my list so I definitely can’t give up yet. It goes against the doer and fighter in me so what next?
What now, well it’s time to have a heart to heart with me of course, time for a pep talk, I say even if I haven’t even started yet, there’s plenty of time to do this. It’s not even January 15th yet. Don’t panic and don’t worry. I review every one of those big goals and refine them as needed. There’s nothing wrong with big goals, aim for the stars and all that stuff, right? I looked to be sure that yes this goal is achievable. No need to set myself up for failure. I may not be able run a marathon in 3 months but I can start exercising 3 times a week. I take my big goal and break it down into smaller steps. Instead of blogging everyday can I do it once a week? Just by taking small steps I am still getting things done and every step is moving me closer to my goals one step at a time.
I remind myself that if it’s on the list it’s important to me so I give myself a little motivational speech and say don’t get discouraged; it’s there for a reason so make changes if need be but by all means keep at it.
If you’re feeling like me I hope this pep talk helps you as well. There’s so much time left so even if you’re not off to the start you wanted, get up and start over again and again and again if necessary. Don’t be ruled by the calendar just keep moving forward. You’ll never know what’s ahead until you get there.
Let me know what you think.
- Trina