Would you prefer an aisle or a window seat? As a frequent flier I hear this question a lot and for me the answer is window. One it’s actually more comfortable for me if I do fall asleep but two, I love the view.
I love looking down during the takeoffs and landings seeing catching the scene. I live in LA and still especially love to see the lights at night and remind myself that yes this Michigan girl does actually live here.
Even when it’s just clouds I find them incredibly beautiful. Sometimes forming a blanket beneath the plane, and sometimes looking like irresistible cotton candy. The natural beauty that surrounds us always amazes me. A gift from God just for us, and it’s on full display when you get to fly above and look down.
The Grand Canyon looks tiny and in your mind you remember the truth, that it is a massive natural wonder. Looking down on LA traffic and you wonder how do we get anywhere at all. The ocean looks endless but oh so beautiful. A simple change in perspective and all of a sudden everything seems different. I’m fortunate enough to get that change quite often and it reminds me to appreciate the beauty that’s all around, the Art of Life, it’s just always there and the question is do we notice it.
One thing that I love about the view from my window seat is this valuable lesson. I matter what is going on below, no matter how far the clouds, how fierce the storm, how hard it is raining, just above the clouds, the sun is always shining.
Enjoy the view.