I have always been an avid reader and even thought I tend to get so busy that I don’t read as often as I like I still find so much joy in reading and with Kindle and Ibooks and a lot of airplane time, I’m finding that I can actually catch up on some much needed reading.
I love reading just for fun as a escape from the business of every day life. There are also so many helpful resources out there that you can never get enough. I know that many successful people make sure that they are reading and getting new information.
I’d love to share my finds and maybe you’ll find them enjoyable or helpful or in some cases maybe even both.
I recently read Mike Michalowicz’s Profit First and I have to say I loved it. This book is a great book for entrepreneurs it will change the way you think about accounting, if you think about it at all. Even if you don’t like thinking about it, if you are running a business it is important.
I haven’t had a chance yet to implement everything I’d like from the book but am definitely working on it. It’s a different way of thinking about things and a different way of doing things and I will give it a try.
Have you read Profit First? What did you think? Have you made any changes to you business after reading the book?