I know that for many Mother’s Day can be a reminder the special people that they have lost. It always reminds me of the strong beautiful smart women that loved me and are now looking out for me from Heaven. I am blessed to still be able to celebrate my mom this Mother’s Day. I am always grateful for her but every day is a gift for us and I am especially grateful for her.
Over 25 years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was scary at the time but everything went well and she one that battle and life moved on. Then in 2014 just before Christmas she was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, another battle, surgery, chemotherapy but she is a fighter and she came through like the warrior that she is. All was seemingly well, her tests were coming back good, the doctors were pleased with her progress and then she fainted over Father’s Day weekend. Back to the doctor for more tests and then the news came, the cancer was back. It was devastating news, but like the warrior she is she prepared and went back to battle. She is still fighting strong with a spirit that simply cannot be beat. Chemotherapy, Radiation treatment and whatever comes next she continues to meet head on. Yes Cancer Sucks and seems so unfair that anyone has to deal with it. I work on making sure I am always positive, supportive and making sure I show my love at every chance but this has been an emotional roller coaster ride for sure. All we can do is buckle up and hold on but that still doesn’t make it easy.
Here’s some photos from Mother’s Day weekend last year. I have to say I love these.
I am so thankful for every day, every conversation, and every visit with her and I am so grateful to have been blessed with another Mother’s Day with her.
Time with those you love is precious and you never know how much you have so make the most of every moment.
Happy Mother’s Day to those that are still here and those angels keeping a close watch on us. We need you all.