Gratitude: Definition
The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
It seems so simple, being thankful according to one definition that I found on the internet. I’ve been practicing being grateful for some time now. It is practice, sometimes when things are crazy in life it can be easy to focus on what is going wrong and forget how much is right. Stopping to remember all of the things that you have to be grateful for can change your perspective.
Got me this year I’ve had to focus and work really hard on my practice of gratitude. Life has sent it’s challenges non stop with no rest or relief in between. Currently my family is in the midst of one of our hardest challenges. I look around and remember all of the things that I have to be grateful for, it is still hard but no matter how hard things are I am thankful for everything that I do have, big and small. Sometimes you get lost in looking for the big things and you forget to give thanks for the small things.
No matter what the challenges, I am focused on staying grateful.
In this season of Thanksgiving, what are you grateful for?