As an avid reader, I’ve been committed to finding new books to read, some for fun, some for helpful information. The Go Giver definitely falls in to the inspiring and helpful information category and I’m so glad.
It tells the story of a young “go getter” looking to further his career and by closing some deals fast. After reaching out to an intriguing colleague he ends up on a quest to learn the secrets to success. As he encounters some very interesting people, his thoughts about business and success turn around. He’s given a lot to think about, some homework assignments and along the way he learns a lot of lessons.
As you read this story, it will make you think or maybe more accurately rethink. It will challenge you to find ways to apply the principals in your business life and maybe even in your personal life.
If you haven’t yet read this gem I can’t recommend it highly enough, and if you have read it what do you think?
Do you agree with the principles? How have you applied them? What were the results?